No Spectators At ERX National
ERX National Guidelines:
- No Individual Spectators
- Limit the number of people per rider, to rider and essential crew (rider plus three wristbands)
- Essential Staff
Food and Beverage
- Due to current COVID-19 guidelines – ERX will not have onsite food or beverage for sale during the event, plan ahead
- Delivery places:
- Quick order
- Papa Johns
- Pizza Ranch
- Sammy’s Pizza
- Door Dash Options
- Plan ahead order
- Serrano Brothers Catering
- Quick order
- No unnecessary mingling of teams
- No bleachers
- Must stay in trailers/pits unless your rider is on the track
COVID-19 Guidelines
- Wash hands frequently
- No mingling
- Wear a mask when outside your pit/trailer
- Preregistration/prepurchased tickets only
When it comes to wearing a mask, a mask is required at any point you leave your trailer. I do understand it may be frustrating to some of you guys, but like I said before, we are lucky to be able to go racing so please do your part in this. The only time a face mask is not required is when a rider leaves his/her trailer with a helmet on, to go on the racetrack. Face masks will be required at podium celebrations, along with prior to the race on the starting line for crew members.
If a racer or crew member is caught outside of the trailer without wearing proper face protection, the driver and/or drivers will be subject to a penalty (starting in the back row of races for that day). After being caught twice, the team will be told to leave the premises and no refund or points will be awarded for the weekend.
Tomorrow we will be releasing information regarding where the New York canceled race is going to be held. So please watch your email or social media channels for the update. We will also be releasing information tomorrow about getting crew registered for the event as their will only be 3 crew members allotted per driver at the season opener.
One last change for this season… Registration will always close on the Wednesday prior to the race. Registration will close at 9:00pm that evening. A fee will be applied to any entry of a racer that chooses to sign up Monday – Wednesday (the week of the event). There will be no late entries added so please make sure to get signed up on time… If you sign up for a race or class and you cannot compete, we will for sure refund you but like I stated before, no late entries for the 2021 season.