Rising snocross talent, and all around great kid, Raycer Frank sustained a C6 spinal injury in a motocross practice crash on Saturday April 25. Frank was air lifted from the facility and is currently being treated at North Memorial Hospital in the Twin Cities metro.

Here is the initial update from his family:
Good morning from North Memorial,
Last night went as good as it could. Raycer’s vitals look good & he’s gotten a little bit more strength in his arms and hands. No feeling lower than that but I have a feeling it will get better. Raycer loves being challenged and proving he can do things that most people can’t. I’m seeing it already in here. The nurses asked him to breathe into a machine to test his lung capacity. She said just try your best to get to 750. First breath was 1500, second breath was 1600. The nurse said “wow I wasn’t expecting you to do that well” lol. This was all done around 2:00am. Raycer’s now sleeping 😴. He try’s to get some between each time the nurses come in. Which is every 1.5 hours to turn him, meds, vitals, etc. Thank you to everyone for the continued prayers, thoughts and positive vibes 🙏🏻
Frank is one of the top up and coming amateurs on the ISOC national snocross tour, winning the 2019-20 Sport Lite Championship and scoring multiple top fives, including a podium at the final round in New York, in the heavily contested Sport class.
Frank was especially good at capturing holeshots last season, getting the best of even the top dogs in the Sport class in nearly every heat and final he competed in. Just one year removed from the Junior ranks, Raycer also captured two regional series titles in 2020, winning the Sport and 15 Plus divisions.